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Ran Observes Mean Ninja Dancing Moves!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Emerging From The Vortex (Part 2)

Blackness stole into RanonDayo’s vision. The sounds of battles long since fought, and those soon to come reached his ears from the veil of darkness that shadowed his vision. No longer could he feel anything around him. His hands closed on nothingness, his legs moved unhindered as if walking on air. He resolved himself that he was indeed dead and willed himself to be taken freely to the lands of his ancestors.
An eruption of sunlight blinded RanonDayo as he found himself collapsed on a small hill. He looked around, as his vision began to clear and noticed he was no longer in Azeroth…but somewhere more sinister and evil. He stretched, and stood, surveying his surroundings. Nothing but a dusty breeze greeted his ears, silence beyond that. His voice hoarse from his journey through the vortex he called for Undeadmight, hoping to see his friend shaken but alive. No answer was he given.
He looked around and headed south, looking intently for any signs of his Warrior friend and companion. Expansive wastelands greeted him in every direction. Rounding a large boulder Ranondayo fell to his knees, rage and bloodlust surging through his veins as he saw the sight before him. Carrion Birds were feasting on the remains of SnowShadow, who had, from the looks of things emerged from the vortex only to be killed upon landing against the mountainous rocks. Grabbing for his axes RanonDayo went headlong into the birds, slaying them undauntedly, blood was the color of his vision, and only the blood of the birds would ease the pain in his heart and quench the bloodlust of his mind…if only momentarily to avenge the death of his lifelong companion.
The destruction and deathly scene before him sent him into a mild state of hallucination…he could see SnowShadow prowling towards him, teeth bared in a recognizing grin…his eyes closed at the sight of his companion’s spirit leaving the ethereal world forever. Hours had passed when he opened his eyes. Using his axes he dug a grave, silently wishing his companion a better life and a farewell as he covered SnowShadow’s grave, leaving behind within the grave, blood from a wound he had made on his own arm to remember his pet and in hopes of SnowShadow recognizing him when he finally joined him in the world beyond.
RanonDayo stood and walked from the grave, turning his head back to look only once in broken heartedness at his loss, before continuing southward. He called forth his mount and slowly trekked across the expanse before him, ever searching for his uncanny and joking companion Undeadmight.
Rounding a cliff face, he came upon a small encampment, full of fellow Horde Members, but unwary as he was, RanonDayo cautiously and slowly approached the camp. He was hailed in greeting as a member of the Horde, though none knew him by name or even recognized him as a Horde Champion when he told them his name. He soon learned he was in the wastelands of Outland, the home of the Orcs before the opening of the Dark Portal. He asked around, searching for news of a Forsaken Warrior fitting Undeadmights description…no one had seen such a warrior come through.
Using what little money he had left, RanonDayo resupplied himself and set of westward, killing anything to pass the time until he could find his friend and reclaim a companion worthy of taking SnowShadow’s place by his side.
Coming to a small canyon pathway Ranondayo saw giant bug-like creatures who showed amazing speed, agility, cunning, and ruthlessness. He watched their colony for many hours, biding his time to lure one from the rest and attempt to gain its companionship. A few hours after the world darkened to the moon’s rising, RanonDayo stole silently down to the colony, focusing on the very creature he would attempt to tame. One that looked the most ferocious and had the most respect among it’s kind. He set down a trap of ice, knowing that would by him time to complete the taming ritual and targeted the beast. With a fierce growl and surprising speed the creature hurled towards him, oblivious to the trap between it and its tormentor. The trap sprang, encasing the beast within a large block of ice. RanonDayo continued unhindered with the taming ritual. The ice block dissolved and the beast looked at him quizzically for a moment, then joined him unafraid at his side. He offered the beast a few hunks of meat to please it and leaned against the rocky cliff behind him, watching the beast feast voraciously upon the meat.
“What to call you my new friend…only time will tell…I can only hope you are as ferocious in protecting me as you were in attacking.” A low growl rumbled from the beasts throat as if it had understood what he had said in passing. Together they ventured farther west, leaving the barren landscape and entering the marshlands he soon learned were known as Zangarmarsh. He continued on his way, the beast he commanded now fighting along side him with deadly accuracy and a chilling taste for violence. RanonDayo thought SnowShadow’s Spirit had come to reclaim an earthly embodiment to continue life with his Master he served for so many seasons.
“My friend, I believe I shall call you BrambleThorn. Bramble for the bushes and vegetation I had to fight my former companion in, and Thorn from those spikes you have protruding from you as a kind of deterrent armor plating.” RanonDayo threw BrambleThorn a piece of flesh and they continued onward, Bramblethorn noisily munching on it’s food.
Leaving the marshlands they came across rolling hills, creeks, lakes, and plains. A slight breeze greeted them, removing the stagnant odors of the marsh. Kicking his mount into motion they headed Eastward, and came to the encampment of Garadar. He left his mount to rest and stabled Bramblethorn, who immediately took up dominance within the stables, making the rest of the stabled pets cower in submission, to which RanonDayo was asked to pay a few more gold in fees to keep such a beast penned up.
RanonDayo roamed through the encampment, searching for word of a Warrior fitting Undeadmight’s description and mannerisms. Those he spoke to said they had seen and spoken to such a warrior, but he had not called himself by that name. Ranondayo returned to his mount and reclaimed BrambleThorn from the stables, much to the stablemaster’s relief, and continued on his way slightly puzzled at what he had learned.
He ventured out into the plains and hills of this new place and came upon a Forsaken Warrior battling a large hairy beast. He hailed to the warrior, calling out to him by Undeadmight. The Warrior seemingly ignored him, continuing to fight the beast. RanonDayo unleashed BrambleThorn who had been skittering back and forth impatiently at the beast and proceeded to fire a few arrows as well. The beast fell and the Warrior turned to him.
“Hail Friend. Who are you and where do you hail from? Oh, my apologies, my thanks for helping me with this brute. Nasty creatures these clefthoof bulls. More bullheaded than a Tauren Warrior and less Brains than a Gnomish Mage.”
“Hail Friend. I am RanonDayo, Hero of the Horde, Servant of Thrall, and searching for my companion Undeadmight. A Warrior you bear a strong resemblance to. We were taken into a Vortex of some kind and I was deposited in the wastelands of this place and ventured through the Marshlands and now here, in hopes of finding him alive and to give him a good knock on that skull of his when I find him.”
“Well, RanonDayo, you are not unknown to me, as your friend did happen to stumble upon us here in Garadar. Sadly though, your friend is no longer with us, except in spirit. He happened upon Tusker, a wicked nasty creature who has no mercy for anything. He was taken down and layed dying, even with what healing our healers could do near the bonfire of our encampment. I was taking vigil over him to ensure no one else but our healers came close to him. He confided in me about a Hunter of great power and legend. He spoke of a beast no hunter would try to tame because of the sheer ferocity of the creature and the death at which it likes to cause. He said, “No Hunter, but he who calls himself RanonDayo. That Orc is not one to test for his companions are nothing if but his equals in dealing death and carnage. He’s not one to back down from a fight, nor will he back down from taming any creature they say is too ferocious to handle or keep as a companion.” He mentioned the death of SnowShadow, saying that the death of that companion alone would make you stronger and search for a beast worthy of SnowShadow’s spirit. And I see you have found just a creature. And believe me, I’ve tangled with those Ravagers many a time. Down right nasty things. Incapable of fleeing from danger, they would rather die causing death than to flee. Even those caught alone are something no one likes to get involved with. Yet, here you are and have one obeying you.”
“My name, RanonDayo, is ForsakenWill. I have donned the armaments of your companion Undeadmight at his request so that when you arrived his spirit would live on through me as a friend and new found Hero of the Horde. It would honor me if you allowed me to fulfill Undeadmight’s last request of fighting by your side until we die with honor!”
“Forsakenwill, you are welcome to fight by my side until the gates of Death claim our spirits. I don’t know how, or why, but I too saw Undeadmight’s dying wish as he passed. I also felt his spirit leave his body when he released his last words to you. I am honored to have you as a friend.”
Together the newly rejoined friends, and the two spirits of those who had fought with them and through them continued their journey, besting rivals everywhere they went, exploring new lands and taming unfortold missions.
The pair came across a new being that they had never seen before. An Elf, but from the looks of things one that did not serve the Alliance but the Horde. The two companions hailed the Elf, and approached in caution. She turned and hailed them in return. Seemingly unafraid of the two battle seasoned companions.
“Hail Brothers of the Horde, I am Ixxi. A Blood Elf in league with the Horde and fellow fighter against the Alliance. And well standing member of Alea Iacta Est. The union of members I serve with.”
“Hail Ixxi. I am RanonDayo and this is my companion ForsakenWill. We are new to this place. Give us a moment if you will and we will relate our story.”
“Aye, come with me, we shall sit and drink to your good will and to the Glory of the Horde.” Ixxi smiles to them both.
Moments later, after much questioning of the two companions, and in turn being questioned herself about AIE and the union of her brothers and sisters, they share laughs at some of the problems they have faced and conquered.
“Pardon for interrupting the banter and laughs, but M’lady Ixxi, do you suppose RanonDayo and I may become members of your union and fight along side you in the name of the Horde?” ForsakenWill asks suddenly.
“Of Course! We are always looking for well seasoned fighters to join our cause. Fill out this application with your name and seasons you have traveled and we’ll get you squared away post haste.” Ixxi responds.
Thus, the story of RanonDayo and ForsakenWill begins anew in the universe of Earthen Ring, new members of Alea Iacta Est.

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